What can I expect during my first session?

In our first session, we will discuss together with you and your parent/carer about our therapy agreement, and I will ask you a few questions so I can understand why you’ve decided to have counselling. I will also explain a little more about how we could work together.

Will you tell me what my child has said in counselling?

The counselling room is a private and confidential space. What is discussed in the counselling room by the client and counsellor after that first session will be be kept confidential unless they give permission for me to share with you.

However, there are a few circumstances where I would have to break confidentiality and the parent/ carer or external services may be contacted such as if a safeguarding concern arises. This will be discussed and clearly outlined in your first session.

What happens if a safeguarding concern arises?

I would always speak to the child or young person I am working with before breaking confidentiality if there is no serious risk or harm in doing so. The client's safety is of utmost importance, and I will always act in the best interest of the client.

Safeguarding procedure differs slightly for 18+. I discuss my safeguarding policy clearly with my clients and their parent/carer (if the child or young person is under 18) in our initial meeting.

Please be in contact if you have further questions.